Friday, September 07, 2007

Troubling a star

Madeline L'Engle has died. Her Newbury winner, A Wrinkle in Time, was #22 on the ALA's list of 100 most frequently challenged books for 1990-2000. You have to admire an author who was simultaneously accused of promoting "religious themes" (usually code for Christian) and encouraging Satan-worship.

My favorite thing about L'Engel was that she had a few characters (Canon Tallis in particular) who made surprise appearances half-way through books in which you weren't expecting them. If you'd read one of her other books, you'd know who the strange man with no eyebrows was as soon as he hummed that familiar tune on the trans-Atlantic flight. Otherwise, you'd be just as creeped out as Adam Eddington.

I had always hoped there'd be another installment in the adventures of Vicky Austin and Adam Eddington. And what about true love for Poly O'Keefe? Is it unreasonable to hope for an unpublished manuscript?

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