Since kids come in all the time for that David Pelzer deliciousness, I thought it was worth mentioning which books were take-homes:
Going, K.L. Saint Iggy. "Because his mom is addicted to Meth."
Rapp, Adam. Under the Wolf, Under the Dog. "Because the kids live on the streets."
Mickaelsen, Ben. Touching Spirit Bear.* "Because it goes through the juvenile justice system process."
Shaw, Susan. The Boy in the Basement. "Because it sounds a lot like A Child Called It."
I should note that Breathing Underwater, by Alex Flinn, Rules of Survival, by Nancy Werlin, and You Don't Know Me, by David Klass, were checked out, so it's possible those would have tempted him.
I also really wanted to figure out a way to give him a Jake Coburn or Kevin Brooks book, because, well, I just love them, but unfortunately, neither of those authors has written specifically about child abuse or homelessness, which seem to be the fascinations.
*I feel a little guilty about this one, because the Native American lore in it is totally lore, as in 100% bonafide made-up nonsense. But the book is really popular, so I just tell kids that the Native American stuff is made-up by crazy white people.
Thanks for the recommendations in this genre ("Kids with Really Crappy Lives"?) Have you tried Blue Mirror by Kathe Koja or Finding Stinko by Michael de Guzman? Ooo, also America by E. R. Frank.
Yikes! I haven't read any of those! I'll put them on my list. I think if I had to give the genre a name, I'd borrow from James Stevenson and call them "Could Be Worse!" Books.
Why do people (especially kids) want to read Pelzer books??!?!! I've never understood this. I read a Child called it, and it made me sick-- partly because of the content, and partly because it is so poorly written. Kudos to Pelzer for turning out to be a decent human being, but come on!
I'm not even sure he turned out to be a good person. His foster brother accused him of making alot of sruff up.
There's an NYtimes article about it out there somewhere.
Anyway, I think people like to be grossed out.
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